By Beandipdodg
Did you know that Murphy was a Cardinal fan? After witnessing heart-wrenching losses for seasons from the suite seats, he decided to get a life, cancel his tickets and do something else. He traveled great distances and encountered many new adventures. But, disasters followed him hither and yon and he died alone because everyone feared his presence, even in the afterlife. Amazingly, his lore lived on and today we proclaim Murphy’s Law when something goes inexplicably wrong at the very moment that is most fragile.
Are you a true Cardinal fan? Do you go the games to see friends? Do you know the definition of the Cardinal Play?? Fast forward and we are here, with you, at the veritable site of impending disaster!!
This column shall be devoted to describing the weekly Play without detail and will offer alternate solutions, when available. Coaches have come and gone, but the Cardinal Play seems constant. Good Luck, Ken!!
First, understand that routine fumbles, interceptions and the like will not qualify for the Cardinal Play. There must be some game-changing, back-breaking element involved in the equation. For instance, remember last year’s Ram game? Yeah, we were about to win the game!! Heck, we only needed a FG!!
Now, let’s not mention names. But, imagine the Head Coach on the sideline telling his players to run up the middle, then, we will kick the FG! Suddenly, it’s POOF, right before your eyes!!!! FUMBLE!!!!!!! The Rams recover and win the game by a point!!! Are you kidding me?? Next time, kick on 3rd down!!!
Da’ Bears game was filled with Cardinal Plays, but we will remember THE post-game tirade more than any Cardinal Play from that day and will not waste space here changing your indelible image of the moment!!
OK, get ready. Let’s talk about our opening game…calmly, please. Though I stated, in a paragraph above, “routine fumbles, interceptions and the like” would not qualify for a Cardinal Play, I submit this to you: What about the First Pass of the Season???? El Paso Intercepto!!!! And, though it was not returned for the touchdown, the 49er’s offense tore up the remaining required yardage. So, let me know if you think this is A Cardinal Play! OK?? Also, alternate solutions were available at the time, but, have since disappeared.
Yes, they vanished at the end of the game when the 49er’s recovered their own fumble in the end zone. Cardinal fans everywhere should rejoice! We witnessed a real live, no doubt about it, Cardinal Play!! Complete with the Ghost of Murphy, standing on the sidelines, cursing the Cardinal defender’s foot into the murky, San Francisco Monster Park turf, producing a leap that would make Packer fans proud!! Unbelievably, unable to touch the ball, the Cardinal defender lies alone in the San Francisco Monster Park turf as the 49er’s celebrate, as if they had something to do with it. Murphy leaves quickly, he’s had fun!!
But, it is a new year and we have a new coach and a new attitude. So, let’s look on the bright side and fear not Murphy’s Law! Read this column each week and you’ll know the score. We’ve got 15 games to go! Moreover, send me your comments on this column, as well as, any other column. Even your own thoughts!
See you at the game and come back for more laughs and Really Insightful Cardinal Football Lore!!
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